And these exquisite wooden buttons were sent to me by a wonderful, generous , lady! Thanx again, Maryanne!
My friend, Tasneem, emailed me and said I simply MUST go and look at the new fabrics at Moolas Store . Well, it was so hard to choose just a few- they had so many new and wonderful fabrics. My dear Mother wants to know: "what are you going to do with them - you have so many bits of fabric lying around??" The answer will come to me ..... soon..... :o)
I have been looking for sheet music to use in my collages- but cant find any. This week I visited the Book Exchange and found this church hymnary (which will now be used as collage pages and become beautiful artwork - to Glorify Him!) I also couldnt resist the book on the right- it was so beautifully embellished- they dont make books like that anymore. So it had to come home with me to be added to my collection of old books: (The two of these together cost me R12- Bargain!)
This is part of the collection. I think they are so beautiful - so they get displayed all over the place!
Just as a matter of interest I wanted to show you this little book. It is over 100 years old. The inscription inside :
That is 14 July 1909 !!!! (before the invention of the ballpoint pen!)
Aren't these too adorable - like mini Aloes? My friend, Linell, gave me these - and TODAY they are going to be planted Linell!!! (I Promise!)
I ordered some more wool from Woolhogs and because of their November special I received two free balls of wool. I requested the Bambi wool as my freebee. It is 70% organic cotton and 30% bamboo. It is very textured and absolutely gorgeous - Dont you just love the Aubergine colour?
And the final little gift I want to share with you today is this lovely quote, sent to me by Linell. I have added it to my "collection". LOVE IT :
"Friendship is born at the moment when one person says to another: "what? you too? I thought I was the only one." "
-C. Lewis-
Note to self: Must go to Moola's tomorrow. Where did you get your buttons for R5 a cup, Angella? I need more! I have also ordered from Woolhogs, apart from the frames I am making, I am trying to think up some other ideas. Did you get the "Ideas" craft issue? Quite expensive, but so full of good ideas. Also they have an 'antiqued' music sheet, I photocopied it to use for covering a box.
Love the fabric from Moolas.
The wooden buttons are a treat.
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