Sunday 9 June 2013

I Pimped My Pitbull

I have some talents but SEWING is not one of them
I have some virtues but PATIENCE is not one of them (which probably explains why I am no good at sewing)
However, with the cost of a doggie jacket at Pick n Pay being R137  I decided to make them myself.
My Pitbull (male) and GreyhoundX (female)sleep in the laundry at night and its rather cold in there, so I wanted to make the jackets for them to wear at night for a bit of  extra warmth.
And of course Her Majesty (Maltese-female) had to have one too. So here are the pics of  them in their new jackets - (not the best seamstressing but they work) :

Wishing you a warm and cosy week.
much love

"The purpose of  LIFE is a life of PURPOSE."
-Robert Byrne-

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